Presentation Language and Structure - Business English Worksheets and Games


Presentations Pelmanism

Business English Presentation Language Game - Vocabulary: Matching, Pelmanism - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 20 minutes

In this free business presentations language game, students match presentation expressions to parts of a presentation. In pairs, students take turns turning over one presentation card and one expression card. If the presentation part matches the expression (e.g. 'Opening a Presentation' and 'Thank you for coming.'), the student reads the two cards aloud, keeps them and has another turn. If the two cards don't match, the student turns them back over, keeping them in the same place. There are 20 presentation expressions in total - two expressions for each part of a presentation. The student with the most pairs of cards at the end of the game wins. Afterwards, check the correct answers with the class and elicit other possible expressions for each part of a presentation.
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Presentation Scramble

Business English Presentations Game - Vocabulary and Reading: Unscrambling, Gap-fill - Speaking Activity: Preparing and Delivering a Presentation, Freer Practice - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 45 minutes

In this fun presentation language game, students race to put words in the correct order to make presentation and signposting phrases and then use them in presentations. First, in teams of two, students race to put words in the first presentation or signposting phrase in the correct order, adding in any necessary punctuation. The first team to put up their hands and read the phrase in the right order scores one point. This continues until all the phrases have been completed. Next, teams race to complete a presentation text with the presentation and signposting phrases. The first team to complete the text correctly scores an additional three points. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins. Finally, pairs practice the language by preparing and delivering a short presentation on a topic of their choice.
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Sales Pitch Pro

Business English Presentation Worksheet - Reading Exercises: Ordering, Matching - Vocabulary Game: Forming Sentences - Speaking Activity: Presenting - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 50 minutes

This engaging presentation language worksheet, game and activity helps students learn and practice a wide range of language for each stage of a sales presentation. Students begin by putting parts of a sales presentation in the correct order. Students then match the parts to the stages of a sales presentation. Next, students choose the correct connector to complete each sentence. After that, students play a game in pairs to practice sales presentation language, where they take turns picking up a language card and matching it to the correct stage of a presentation, completing the expression with their own idea. If students do this successfully, they score a point. The student with the most points at the end of the game wins. Students then move on to prepare a sales presentation for a new product or service using the language and expressions from the game and worksheet. Finally, students deliver their presentations in small groups.
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Plan and Present

Business English Presentation Activity - Reading and Writing: Comprehension Questions, Outlining - Speaking Activity: Presenting, Fluency Practice - Pair Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 60 minutes

In this business presentation structure activity, students complete a reverse outline of a business presentation, and then plan and present their own business presentation. First, students read a business presentation and answer comprehension questions about it. Next, students complete an outline of the business presentation in note form. In pairs, students then discuss six business presentation topics and each choose one to plan and present. After that, students write an outline for their business presentation. Finally, students deliver their presentations one-on-one to three different students in a 4-3-2 fluency practice activity.
Plan and Present Preview

Presentation Vocabulary Challenge

Business English Presentation Language Game - Vocabulary and Speaking: Impromptu Speech - Pair Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 25 minutes

In this engaging business presentation vocabulary game, students talk about words or phrases related to business presentations for 30 seconds. First, students add five business presentation words to their grid on the worksheet. Students then take turns calling out coordinates for the second grid. The other student tells them the corresponding business presentation word or phrase for that square. The student then talks about the word or phrase for 30 seconds, without stopping. Students can talk about things like the meaning of the presentation word, its importance, how it refers to presentations, etc. If the student successfully talks about the word or phrase for 30 seconds, they write the word in the second grid, and the other student crosses the word off their grid. If the student is unsuccessful, they can choose the same word or phrase again or pick another grid reference on their next turn. The first student to get five words in a row wins the game.
Presentation Vocabulary Challenge Preview

Signposting a Presentation

Business English Presentations Worksheet - Reading, Vocabulary and Writing Exercises: Categorising, Writing a Presentation - Speaking Activity: Delivering a Presentation - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 45 minutes

This useful signposting language worksheet helps students practice different types of signposting language for a business presentation. First, students read a business presentation about workplace communication that shows signposting language in bold. Students then match eight types of signposting language to descriptions of their functions. Next, students write the signposting language in bold from the presentation in a table next to its corresponding type. After that, students work with a partner and brainstorm ideas for a presentation that can incorporate the signposting language. Students then move on to write a short presentation that uses the language. Finally, students present or read their presentations in small groups or to the class.
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