-ed and -ing Adjectives Worksheets, ESL Games and Activities


Let's Talk

ESL ed and ing Adjectives Activity - Grammar, Vocabulary and Speaking: Sentence Completion, Guided Discussion, Guessing, Communicative Practice - Pair Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 30 minutes

In this communicative -ed -ing adjectives activity, students practice using the two adjective forms to express opinions and feelings about various things. First, students complete sentences on their worksheet with true information about themselves. There are ten sentences in total with each one containing an -ed or -ing adjective. Students then take it in turns to read and discuss their sentences with a partner. After that, students test each other by exchanging worksheets and reading their partner's completed sentences in a random order, but instead of saying the adjective, they use the word 'blank'. Their partner then repeats the sentence back, adding in the correct -ed or -ing adjective.
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Tell me about yourself

ESL ed and ing Adjectives Game - Vocabulary and Speaking: Matching, Forming Sentences, Asking and Answering Questions, Freer Practice - Group Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 35 minutes

In this free -ed -ing adjectives game, students make sentences and questions with adjectives that end with -ed and -ing. Students take it in turns to turn over an -ed adjective card and lay it face-up on the desk, e.g. interested. The player with the matching -ing adjective card (e.g. interesting) makes a sentence about him or herself using one of the two adjectives, e.g. 'I think sci-fi films are interesting'. The player then asks the group a question using the other adjective, e.g. 'Are you interested in sci-fi films?' The group members then answer the question in turn. If the player uses the two adjectives correctly, they score a point. The player then discards both cards. If the player makes a grammar mistake or is unable to make a sentence or question, another student can steal the point by making a suitable sentence and question with the two adjectives. The group then records their answers by writing a sentence, e.g. 'Bruce, Caroline and Chris think sci-fi films are interesting, but Shannon isn't interested in sci-fi films'. The student with the most points at the end of the game wins.
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University Life

ESL -ed -ing Adjectives Worksheet - Vocabulary and Writing Exercises: Error Correction, Binary Choice, Gap-fill, Email Writing - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 35 minutes

In this productive -ed -ing adjectives worksheet, students practice identifying and using -ed and -ing adjectives in emails about studying abroad at university. Students start by identifying and correcting mistakes in sentences that contain -ed and -ing adjectives. Students then circle the correct -ed or -ing adjectives to complete an email from Olivia to her parents. Next, students complete a second email from Olivia with -ed and -ing adjectives from a box. In the last exercise, students write a reply to Olivia's emails using -ed and -ing adjectives.
University Life Preview

What's the difference?

ESL -ed -ing Adjectives Worksheet - Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises: Matching, Gap-fill, Binary Choice, Answering Questions - Speaking Activity - Pair Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 30 minutes

In this comprehensive ed and ing adjectives worksheet, students learn the difference between -ed and -ing adjectives and practice using the adjectives to talk about emotions. Students begin by matching each -ed adjective with an adjective that has a similar meaning. Next, students complete sentences with suitable -ed adjectives from the first exercise. After that, students underline the correct -ed or -ing adjectives in a set of sentences. Students then move on to answer questions that contain -ed or -ing adjectives. Finally, students discuss the questions with a partner and talk about their answers.
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You are charming. I am charmed.

ESL Adjectives -ed -ing Worksheet - Vocabulary Exercises: Matching, Changing Word Forms, Defining, Gap-fill - Speaking Activity: Describing - Pair Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 30 minutes

In this useful adjectives with -ed and -ing worksheet, students review and practice adjectives that describe feelings, people, things, or situations. Students begin by matching ten verbs to their correct definitions. Students then change five verbs to adjectives that describe the characteristic of a person, thing, or situation. Students also adapt the verb definitions to make a new definition for each -ing adjective. Next, students change five more verbs to adjectives that describe a feeling or emotion and adapt the verb definitions to match the -ed adjectives. After that, students complete sentences using -ed or -ing adjectives that can be formed from the verbs in Exercise B. In the last exercise, students think about the situations and people presented and describe them to a partner using -ed or -ing adjectives from the worksheet.
You are charming. I am charmed. Preview

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