Making Suggestions ESL Activities, Worksheets, Role-Plays and Games


A Day Out

ESL Making Suggestions Role-Play - Speaking Activity: Binary Choice, Role-Play, Writing and Presenting a Dialogue - Pair Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

Here is a handy making suggestions role-play activity to help students practice suggesting, raising objections, suggesting alternatives and accepting suggestions. Students begin by reading three short dialogues and choosing the correct words to complete the suggestion phrases. In pairs, students then create a role-play where they suggest where to go and what to do tomorrow. They do this by following the prompts on the worksheet and using the language from the first exercise in their conversation. Finally, students present their role-plays to the class.
A Day Out Preview

Holiday Suggestions

ESL Holiday Suggestions Activity - Speaking: Categorising, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Guided Discussion, Communicative Practice - Pair and Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes

In this useful holiday suggestions speaking activity, students suggest suitable places to go on different holidays, including where to stay and things to see and do. Students begin by reading a holiday suggestions dialogue and placing target phrases into a table according to their functions. In pairs, students then make suggestions for each type of holiday on the worksheet and decide on a suitable place to go, a place to stay, and things to see and do using the example conversation to help them. Students write their answers in the spaces provided. Finally, each pair joins together with another pair. Students then take it in turns to explain their holiday suggestions to each other.
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Saturday Suggestions

ESL Making Suggestions Role-Play - Speaking Activity: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Communicative Practice - Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes

In this free making suggestions speaking activity, students role-play making, accepting and rejecting suggestions about things to do on a Saturday. Students imagine it's Saturday and they are all at home together feeling bored. The aim is to make suggestions on things to do until they find something they all agree on. In groups, students begin by turning over the first situation card and making appropriate suggestions, according to the prompt on the card. Students suggest and reject suggestions based on the things they want and don't want to do on their role cards until they come up with something they all want to do. The role-play continues until the students have completed all the situations and agreed on a suggestion for each one.
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Suggestions Race

ESL Making Suggestions Game - Grammar: Unscrambling - Pair Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes

In this fun making suggestions game, students race to put words in the correct order to suggest different things. There are ten suggestions in all and each suggestion uses a different structure. One student from each pair comes to your desk and gets suggestion strip 1. Students then take the strip back to their partner and put the words in the correct order to make a suggestion. Students write the suggestion on the strip, capitalizing the first word and adding in punctuation. When a pair thinks they have completed the suggestion, a student brings the strip back to you. If the suggestion is correct, the student takes strip 2 and continues. The first pair of students to successfully complete suggestion strip 10 wins the game.
Suggestions Race Preview

Turn Around

ESL Making, Accepting and Rejecting Suggestions Activity - Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Communicative Practice - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes

In this communicative making suggestions speaking activity, students make, accept and reject suggestions and give excuses using prompts on cards. Students hold their cards so the picture prompt is facing towards them. Students then go around the class, making and accepting suggestions with as many different partners as possible using the picture prompts. Students then exchange cards and repeat the activity, but this time they hold their cards with the picture prompt facing away and make a different suggestion each time they speak to a classmate. Afterwards, students exchange cards again and write an excuse on the blank side of the card. Students hold their cards so that the picture prompt is facing away and the excuse is facing towards them. Students then go around making and rejecting suggestions and giving excuses. Afterwards, students exchange cards one more time and go around the class with the excuse facing away, making the same suggestion several times but giving a different excuse each time.
Turn Around Preview

What do you suggest?

ESL Making Suggestions Worksheet - Grammar Exercise: Sentence Completion - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 20 minutes

In this productive making suggestions worksheet, students complete and write suggestions from a set of prompts. Students read each statement on the worksheet, look at a picture prompt and complete or write a suggestion. For prompts 1 to 9, students complete the suggestion. For prompts 10 to 14, students write a suggestion using one of four phrases.
What do you suggest? Preview

Why don't we go on holiday?

ESL Suggesting Worksheet - Vocabulary Exercises: Gap-Fill, Categorising - Speaking Activity: Asking and Answering Questions, Freer Practice - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 35 minutes

This comprehensive making suggestions worksheet helps to teach students how to make, accept and reject suggestions and use the language to practice making holiday suggestions. Students start by completing suggestions with the correct form of verbs in brackets. Next, students read phrases that are used to say yes or no to a suggestion and categorize them. After that, students fill in gaps in a suggestions dialogue using the language they have learnt. Finally, students go around the class suggesting where to go on holiday using places in a chart, e.g. 'Why don't we go to Hawaii?' When a classmate says yes to a suggestion, students write down each other's names and suggest a holiday activity to do together. When the students have finished, they give feedback to the class on their holiday plans.
Why don't we go on holiday? Preview

Can I make a suggestion?

ESL Accepting and Rejecting Suggestions Activity - Vocabulary and Speaking: Identifying, Matching, Asking and Answering Questions, Guided Discussions - Pair and Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes

In this free set of making suggestion activities, students practice making, accepting and rejecting suggestions in pairs and groups. To start, students identify language for making suggestions by underlining related phrases in sentences. Next, students match sentence halves together to make language for accepting and rejecting suggestions. In pairs, students then test their partner on the accepting and rejecting phrases by playing a memory game. After that, students create six suggestions of their own and take it in turns to make, accept and reject the suggestions with their partner. In the last exercise, students discuss three problems and make, accept and reject suggestions in small groups. Finally, students decide on the best solution for each situation and tell the class what they decided and why.
Can I make a suggestion? Preview

Let's Make Suggestions

ESL Making Suggestions Lesson - Vocabulary and Reading Exercises: Labelling, Writing Sentences, Gap-fill, Categorising - Speaking Activity: Discussion, Freer Practice - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 60 minutes

In this insightful making suggestions lesson, students learn how to make, accept and reject suggestions. First, students look at pictures of eight presents and write the names of the presents below the pictures. Students then rank the presents from the most to the least expensive and answer questions about which present they would most and least like to receive for their birthday and which would be the best and worst present for their dad. After that, students complete a gap-fill dialogue where two people are suggesting presents for their dad's birthday. Students then identify and write down the phrases used for making, accepting and rejecting suggestions from the dialogue. Next, students answer questions about the dialogue and discuss their answers in pairs. Finally, students create a conversation where they make, accept and reject suggestions for a friend's birthday present using a set of prompts. Afterwards, students present their conversations to the class.
Let's Make Suggestions Preview

Perhaps we could...

ESL Suggestions Worksheet - Vocabulary Exercises: Identifying, Writing Questions - Speaking Activity: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes

In this detailed making suggestions worksheet, students learn and practice phrases for making, accepting and declining suggestions. Students start by reading a suggestions dialogue and identifying phrases for making a suggestion, accepting a suggestion and declining a suggestion. Students then circle phrases that are not appropriate responses to suggestions. Next, students underline all the phrases for making suggestions in Exercise C. After that, students write their own suggestions using a different phrase and activity each time. Finally, in pairs, students take it in turns suggesting their ideas and their partner responds using one of the phrases from the worksheet.
Perhaps we could... Preview

Suggestions and Solutions

ESL Suggesting Activity - Speaking: Writing Suggestions, Guided Discussions, Agreeing and Disagreeing, Communicative Practice - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 40 minutes

In this communicative making suggestions speaking activity, students give suggestions for a set of problems and then work together in a group to reach an agreement on a solution for each one. To begin, students come up with one or two suggestions to deal with each problem on the worksheet. In groups, students then discuss each problem in turn, give their suggestions and try to reach an agreement on a solution for each one. Afterwards, groups share their solutions with the class who decides on the best solution for each problem.
Suggestions and Solutions Preview

What shall we do?

ESL Making Suggestion Activities - Vocabulary Exercise: Gap-fill - Speaking Activity: Role-play, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Communicative Practice - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 45 minutes

In these engaging making suggestions activivites, students make, accept and reject suggestions by completing gap-fill dialogues and role-playing different suggestion scenarios using prompts on cards. First, students complete two gap-fill dialogues with words and phrases for making, accepting and rejecting suggestions. In pairs, students then read the dialogues with their partner. Students then use the language from the two dialogues to role-play different scenarios where they make, accept and reject suggestions. Students turn over cards and role-play various conversations where they make, accept and reject suggestions and try to come up with a plan of things to do based on the topic on the card. Afterwards, pairs take it in turns to role-play one of their dialogues in front of the class.
What shall we do? Preview

The Secret of Success

ESL Making Suggestions Activity - Speaking: Guided Discussions, Communicative Practice - Group Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 30 minutes

In this creative making suggestions speaking activity, students suggest the best way to do different things. In groups, students take turns picking up a topic card and asking, 'What's the best way to (topic)?', e.g. 'What's the best way to find a job?' Next, each group member suggests the best way to do the thing on the card. Students then discuss the topic and come to an agreement on the best suggestion, writing the idea on the back of the card. This continues until all the cards have been used. Afterwards, the class discusses the best suggestions for each topic.
The Secret of Success Preview

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