Everyday Objects ESL Games and Activities


Everyday Objects Bingo

ESL Everyday Objects Game - Vocabulary: Bingo, Gap-fill - Group Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

In this free everyday objects game, students play bingo by completing sentences with everyday object words. In groups, the bingo caller reads a sentence at random from the caller's sheet using the word 'blank' for the missing object word, e.g. 'When it's sunny, I ride my 'blank' to work.' The players listen and look at the everyday objects written on their bingo cards to see if they have a word that completes the sentence, e.g. bike. If they do, they cross it off. The game continues until a player has crossed off four objects in a row. When this happens, the player shouts 'Bingo!' and reads the object words they crossed off. If the object words match the sentences, the student wins the round. Players then continue to see who can cross off all 16 objects first. Groups play several rounds, with students taking turns being the bingo caller and with players using a different bingo card each time.
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Name Two Objects...

ESL Everyday Objects Game - Vocabulary: Brainstorming, Providing Vocabulary - Group Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

In this engaging everyday objects game, students race to name common objects that match 'Name two...' prompts. In groups, students take turns picking up a card and reading the 'Name two objects...' prompt to the other students, e.g. 'Name two objects that people like to read.' The other students then race to name two items that match the prompt, e.g. a book and a magazine. The first student to put up their hand gets to answer. If the other students agree that the objects are correct, the student wins and keeps the card. If not, the student is out of the round, and the other students can put up their hands and answer. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Name Two Objects Preview

Personal Items Pelmanism

ESL Everyday Objects Games - Vocabulary and Speaking: Matching, Pelmanism, Forming Sentences from Prompts, Freer Practice - Pair Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

Here are two fun everday objects vocabulary games to help students learn and practice the names of common personal items. First, students play a pelmanism game where they match the names of personal items to pictures. In pairs, students take turns turning over one card from each set. If the object word matches with the picture, the student keeps the two cards and plays again. If not, the student turns the two cards back over. It's then the other student's turn to play. The student with the most pairs of cards at the end of the game wins. Next, students play a game in which they make sentences using the personal objects vocabulary. Students take turns picking up a word card and reading the object to their partner, who has 20 seconds to make a meaningful sentence using the word. If both students agree the sentence is appropriate, the student who made the sentence keeps the card. If not, the card is placed at the bottom of the pile to be used again later. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Personal Items Pelmanism Preview

Everyday Object Races

ESL Everyday Objects Games - Vocabulary and Speaking: Matching, Gap-fill, Forming Sentences, Freer Practice - Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

Here are two everyday objects games to help students practice vocabulary for common objects. First, students play a matching game to practice the vocabulary. In groups, students take turns to pick up a sentence card, read it aloud and place it face-up on the table. The other students then race to find an object word card to complete the sentence. The first student to find the right card, pick it up and read the complete sentence aloud wins and keeps the cards. The student with the most pairs of cards at the end of the game wins. Following that, students play a game where they race to form sentences with the everyday object words. Students take turns turning over a word card so it's visible to everyone. Students then race to put up their hands and say a sentence using the object word. If a student makes a suitable sentence, they win and keep the card. If not, they are out of the round, and the other students continue trying to come up with a sentence. The student with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.
Everyday Object Races Preview

Everyday Objects Vocabulary

ESL Everyday Objects Worksheet - Vocabulary Exercises: Matching, Gap-fill, Multiple-Choice, Sentence Completion - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes

Here is a useful everyday objects worksheet to help students practice vocabulary for common objects. First, students match everyday object vocabulary from a box with pictures. Students then use the everyday object words to complete sentences. Next, students complete sentences by choosing the correct object word. Finally, students complete sentences about everyday objects with their own ideas and then compare their answers with a partner.
Everyday Objects Vocabulary Preview

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